美国新奥尔良一个喧闹的夜晚,FBI正在围捕蜚声国际的恐怖分子迈尔斯•杰克逊(艾丹•吉伦 Aidan Gillen 饰)。是夜,狡猾的迈尔斯正与另一伙犯罪分子作交易,他用计杀掉对手,还把FBI耍得团团转。当地的警察丹尼•费舍尔(约翰•塞纳 John Cena 饰)奉命参加行动,他和搭档偶遇迈尔斯及其女友驾驶的汽车。在一番激烈的追逐过后,迈尔斯最终落网,而他的女友则不幸死于车祸。一年后,迈尔斯成功越狱。他绑架了丹尼的女友莫莉•波特(阿什莉•斯科特 Ashley Scott 饰)。他为丹尼设计了12道难关,一场关乎生死的危险游戏就此展开……   本片男主角John Cena是美国最大摔角组织WWE的摔角明星。

Uniformed New Orleans PD officer Danny Fisher earns his promotion to detective to his near-rather lucky, albeit brave, arrest of ruthless terrorist arms-dealer Miles Jackson, whose girlfriend Erica Kessen got accidentally killed during the dirty FBI-operation. Exactly a year later, Miles has escaped and blows up Danny's house as foretaste of a Herculean race to accomplish twelve near-impossible tasks against the clock, otherwise his kidnapped wife Molly will be killed. Yet at the end, another master-plan is suspected.


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