寒冷偏远的北国,人们祖祖辈辈生活于此。在这片纯然且严苛的土地上,盛开着一朵来自他乡、柔弱而又坚强的鲜花。她叫风见民子(倍賞千恵子 饰),早年不顾家人的反对,决然跟随爱人来到北国经营农场。数年前丈夫撒手人寰,民子既要继续支撑农场,又要抚养儿子武志(吉岡秀隆 饰),个中艰辛谁人知。某天,一名沉默寡言有着坚毅面庞的男人路过农场,他去而复返,恳请民子留他在这里帮工。虽则顾虑重重,但是民子还是收留了这个名叫田岛耕作(高倉健 饰)的男人。耕作背负着不堪回首的过去,在这个远离城市喧嚣的偏远所在,他全身心地投入劳作,既与武志结下深厚的友情,也赢得了周围人的信任。他的坚毅也慢慢开启了民子的心门……   本片为“民子三部曲”的最后一部,前两部为《家族》和《故乡》。

A mysterious stranger appears at the door of a farmhouse on a stormy night and asks for shelter. The young widow who owns the farm puts him up in the barn. At dawn, he helps to deliver a calf and, just as mysteriously and distantly, disappears down the road. In the spring, he returns to stay as a farmhand, gains the respect of the widow and the devotion of her young son, and begins to end their feelings of loneliness. When an intruder, in the person of a rich merchant, shows up and presses his attentions on the widow, the farmhand saves her from his attentions. But there is a mystery about where the stranger came from; and why, after winning the hearts of the widow and her son, he has to go away again.

局部的不安与最终的安全感——《远山的呼唤》之意境美。东方民族特有的含蓄。爱情就是,“今晚的月色很美” -电影《远山的呼唤》中的表达艺术。《远山的呼唤》电影剧本。情到深处两无言。拉片笔记。不是影评,与电影有关002-硬汉。《远山的呼唤》音乐音效鉴赏作业。细节里的平淡,平凡却不平庸。山田洋次的“光明的尾巴”。

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