胶片电影的时代,跑片员成为连接影院和观众之间最不可或缺却也是最默默无闻的存在。本片的主角跑片员(谢园 饰)是一个开朗快乐的正直青年,他骑着摩托奔波在大街小巷,谁知一场意外正毫无征兆地向他袭来。在大雨瓢泼的夜晚,跑片员正全力以赴奔向下一个影院,结果没留神撞到了一名孕妇赵霞(马晓晴 饰)。跑片员手忙脚乱将女孩带到医院,他有心赶去影院,可是却被赵霞死死拉出,不得脱身,赵霞更当众将其指认为自己的丈夫。跑片员百口莫辩,无济于事。   因为延误了送片,青年丢掉了自己的工作,也因为救助赵霞而和他正待孕的妻子产生隔阂……

During a rainy night, a movie-theater staff delivering a film reel on his bicycle accidentally crashes into a pregnant woman, Zhao Xia. He sends Zhao Xia to the hospital immediately, but there, Zhao Xia tells the doctor that he is her husband. The staff is unable to leave, and the hospital withholds a copy of the film as a deposit. His wife at home also misunderstands him because he has to pay for a pregnant woman's surgery.


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