
"The Curse of Sleeping Beauty" is an entirely new, dark vision of the classic Brothers Grimm adventure. Thomas Kaiser inherits an ancestral mansion that has been in his family for generations, only to learn that he has also inherited an ancient curse stemming back to the Crusades. Forced into his new role as "protector", the guardian appointed to keep the evil demons in the house at bay, Thomas must unravel the mystery of the house, while struggling to awaken the beautiful Briar Rose, held captive in a terrifying netherworld seen previously in his dreams.

槽点多多但是颜值不低。吓死了,故事才刚刚开始。这什么玩意儿!!!!!!。完全靠女主惊鸿一瞥的颜值看下去。感觉很奇怪啊。似乎在抄袭《恐怖蜡像馆》。kill the time的一部电影。在我看来这是一部“烂”片!。

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