Sassy, streetwise Max works two jobs just to get by, one of which is waiting tables during the night shift at the retro-hip Williamsburg Diner. Sophisticated Caroline is an uptown trust fund princess who's having a run of bad luck that forces her to reluctantly give waitressing a shot. At first, Max sees Caroline as yet another in a long line of inept servers she must cover for, but she's surprised to find that Caroline has as much substance as she does style. When Caroline discovers Max's knack for baking amazing cupcakes, she sees a lucrative future for them, but they first need to raise the start-up money.

MAX你天生就是块放荡的料你知道吗?。梦在一无所有时发生 ——2 Broke Girls见面会实录。人人心中一个甜品店的梦~。如何治愈中二病。MAX V5!。你去你的咖啡馆轻拍你的咖啡师傅吧!。普通女招待、文艺女招待、2B女招待~~。好姑娘就应该永·垂·不·朽!。致我们还未实现的梦想。【美剧】《打工姐妹花》:我们想和梦想谈谈。

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