保险经纪人叶永信(陈家乐 饰)某天接到一通神秘来电,电话中的男子问自杀后多久可以拿到赔偿,随后他接到上司通知有客户指定他去跟进保单,叶上门拜访时亲眼目睹一个孩子吊死在屋中,他随即认定客户为诈取保险金而杀害儿子,决心暗中对朱重德(黄秋生 饰)和沈子玲(林嘉欣 饰)夫妇展开调查,恐吓随即接二连三发生在他及恋人文惠仪(汤怡 饰)身上,在又一起命案发生后,他愕然发觉事情和他的判断并不一样…

The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions. Insurance agent Sean is called to visit Tak and Ling's home to follow up on a life insurance policy. When he goes into the bathroom, he is shocked to see their son's corpse hanging above him. When he sees Tak's cold, emotion-less response to the child's death, Sean - a righteous and kind-hearted man dedicated to his job - begins to suspect Tak and Ling may have murdered his son for the insurance money. When the police conclude that there was no foul play at work and the insurance claim is approved, Sean decides to lead his own investigation instead. However, as Sean becomes obsessed over Tak's guilt, his kind nature is used against him by the real perpetrator. Sean begins to receive one disturbing threat after another at home, and the people around him are put in danger.


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