早已过了而立之年的一子(安藤樱 饰)整天百无聊赖,她根本无心帮助打理自家的料理店,整日玩游戏虐杀小外甥。她的妹妹二三子(早织 饰)离婚后回到娘家,极度看不惯姐姐的作为,为此两姐妹甚至大打出手。自感不被家人所容的一子搬了出去,并在日常光顾的百元超市谋得收银员的职位。这间小店云集着许多怪人,患有忧郁症的店长、话唠猥琐的同事、因盗窃被开除却还时常回来拿临过期食品的老太。在这些人中间,一子的心情愈加苦闷。偶然机缘,她和名不见经传的拳击手狩野(新井浩文 饰)走到一起,无奈他们之间甚至连爱情都谈不上。极度压抑之际一子选择学习拳击,她渴望释放心中不委屈和不满,渴望获得哪怕只有一次的认可。   本片荣获2014年日本电影旬报十佳影片第八名。

32-year-old Ichiko (Sakura Ando) lives at home with her parents, passing the days in self-indulgent grunginess. Ichiko's recently divorced younger sister Fumiko has moved back home with her young son. One day, after a particularly heated argument, Ichiko charges out of the house for good. With few employment options to support herself, Ichiko works the night shift at a 100 yen shop (dollar store). On her way home each day she passes a boxing gym where she watches Yuji Kano (Hirofumi Arai) silently practice, developing a crush on him. The pair starts seeing each other and things change for Ichiko... At last, the bell rings and longtime loser Ichiko's rematch with life begins!


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