影片讲述遭受台风破坏一年后的菲律宾中部城市,塔克洛班市和莱特岛人们如何恢复生活的故事。戛纳电影节最佳导演,一亮相就备受世界影坛瞩目的菲律宾导演布里兰特·门多萨(Brillante Mendoza)新作《塔克洛班的困境》也将出现在展映单元。布里兰特·门多萨(Brillante Mendoza)的作品有着和贾樟柯相似的影像和思想风格,《塔克洛班的困境》中表现的淋漓尽致。

After the Supertyphoon Haiyan, which changed the city of Tacloban in the Philippines into its horrendous state, the lives of Bebeth, Larry and Erwin intertwine. The survivors are left to search for the dead, while keeping their sanity intact, and protecting what little faith there may be left. A series of events continue to test their endurance.


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