在生产钻石的南非,最近怪事连连,一大批未经切割的钻石失踪了,而且谋杀案频发。这些异常现象引起了英国当局的高度重视,于是007(肖恩•康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)来到了南非。007以钻石批发商的名义展开了一系列的调查,发现一切原来都是他的死对头魔鬼党的首领艾纳斯 (查尔斯•格雷Charles Gray 饰)在背后操纵的,而艾纳斯追求的并不是只是金钱,而是企图利用这些钻石制造最具杀伤力的激光卫星设备,用以达到自己邪恶的目的。于是,007在美丽的邦女郎坎丝(吉尔•圣约翰 Jill St. John 饰)的帮助开始了粉碎这个阴谋的行动!

James Bond's mission is to find out who has been smuggling diamonds, which are not re-appearing. He adopts another identity in the form of Peter Franks. He joins up with Tiffany Case, and acts as if he is smuggling the diamonds, but everyone is hungry for these diamonds. He also has to avoid Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd, the dangerous couple who do not leave anyone in their way. Ernst Stavro Blofeld isn't out of the question. He may have changed his looks, but is he linked with the heist? And if he is, can Bond finally defeat his ultimate enemy.

【系列补完计划】《007之七:金刚钻》。最好与最坏的邦德之金刚钻。007之金刚钻。创时代。看完了《007 07:金刚钻》。康纳利谢幕演出。Diamonds Are Forever。风格依旧,露点是个什么鬼。。

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