The curse of the headless horseman is the legacy of the small town of Sleepy Hollow. Spearheaded by the eager Constable Ichabod Crane and his new world ways into the quagmire of secrets and murder, secrets once laid to rest, best forgotten and now reawakened, and he too, holding a dark secret of a past once gone.

断头谷。蒂姆•伯顿电影——哥特电影的复兴。原来这是一个人鬼情未了的故事!。Sleepy Hollow。迷人的冷色调。断头谷。Heads Will Roll——适度尖叫。存在即被感知——观《断头谷》有感。不要随便看影评。值得称赞的欧美风格恐怖片。

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