Emily Taylor, despite being reunited with her husband from prison, becomes severely depressed with emotional episodes and suicide attempts. Her psychiatrist, Jonathan Banks, after conferring with her previous doctor, eventually prescribes an experimental new medication called Ablixa. The plot thickens when the side effects of the drug lead to Emily killing her husband in a "sleepwalking" state. With Emily plea-bargained into mental hospital confinement and Dr. Banks' practice crumbling around him, the case seems closed. However, Dr. Banks cannot accept full responsibility and investigates to clear his name. What follows is a dark quest that threatens to tear what's left of his life apart even as he discovers the diabolical truth of this tragedy.
聪明反被聪明误(剧透)。【慎入】正所谓演一枚Les是每一个女演员成长途中的必经之路...。一流的商业片,二流的惊悚片。熬过去前半段就是死去活来。关于精神科医生跟心理医生的区别,用药,及吐槽。。精神院太精神。如此收官作也算恰当。认为裘德洛演的医生代表正义的可以歇歇了(严重剧透)。看完《Side Effect》后~。原来是部侦探片。
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