尼克斯在一场海外战争中被敌人俘虏,虐待了8个月,回到家后哥哥汤米发现他已经发生了很明显的变化。表面上,尼克斯在一家影院当放映员,还有个漂亮的女朋友,在一家咖啡店还邂逅了一个要好的黑人朋友,但是事实却并不如你所见。让尼克斯最难以释怀的是一个黑衣人整夜整夜的跟踪他,如影随形。   如果你觉得这还不算什么,我也不会惊奇。故事讲到这里确实还不算是什么,故事的高潮也不在这里。它的高潮在尼克斯的自杀之后才被揭开一角……毒枭、妓女、皮条客、退伍军人、洲际刑警,让这个故事更加错综复杂。

Following an extended tour of duty in the Middle East, a veteran returns home only to face new enemy. Battling insomnia & undiagnosed post traumatic stress disorder, he finds a job as a projectionist working the night shift at a decrepit theater. As he struggles to adapt to civilian life, he quickly finds himself tangled in an inescapable web of seduction, addiction, & violence. His disdain for those around him reaches a boiling point and he embarks on a new war against society, vowing to take drastic action against it in an attempt to defend the country he loves.


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