
类型:剧情  地区:美国  年份:2018 

蒂姆·罗斯、尼克·诺特和路易斯·古兹曼将出演新片[牧师](The Padre,暂译)。该片将由乔纳森·索博尔([偷盗艺术])执导。影片讲述蒂姆扮演的牧师在逃离警局抓捕时偷了一辆车,但却没有注意到后座躲藏的16岁女孩。于是女孩加入了他的旅程,他们计划了一场大型抢劫,却没有意识到其中危险。

It tells the story of the Padre (Roth), a small-time con man on the run from his dogged pursuers, U.S. Court Justice Nemes (Nolte) and local police officer Gaspar (Guzmán). When the Padre is caught mid-con, he flees the scene in a stolen car, unaware that a precocious 16-year-old girl, Lena (Henriquez), is stowing away in the back seat. After she blackmails him into letting her join his journey, the duo plan their biggest heist yet - not always aware of the dangers of working with each other and the law closing in on them.


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