影片根据曼罗·里夫1936年经典童书《爱花的牛》改编,讲述西班牙一头名为“费迪南德”(约翰·塞纳 John Cena 配音)的公牛的爆笑历险故事。费迪南德体型健壮,但却心地善良性格温和,它被误认为是危险的野兽,从而被捕送往他乡被逼做一只“斗牛”。为回到家人身边,他不得不踏上了一场终极冒险旅程……

Destined to become a fearless fighting bull, the young pacifist and flower-loving calf, Ferdinand, summons up the courage to escape from a Spanish bull-training camp, to finally find himself on little Nina's idyllic and fragrant farm. However, an unfortunate run-in with a busy golden bee will send the immense but peaceful animal back to the old Casa del Toro academy, where the famous matador, El Primero, usually selects his worthy bovine opponents for the arena. Does Ferdinand hide a fierce champion underneath a mountain of muscles, or is he a gentle giant after all?

恕我直言,这届观众装逼太没创意。鲜花山坡。公牛历险记:你敢让你的孩子“不合群”吗。一头抗争命运的牛。很喜欢的一部动画片。笑出腹肌哭成傻逼 -- 又一部好玩且有点深度的合家欢电影。可爱*^o^*。“博学”只是因为先手优势。在成为自由战士之前 我们要闯过的关口。去做你自己,无论困难与否。

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