近未来,为了治疗现代人类越来越多、越来越严重的精神疾病,位于东京的精神医疗综合研究所开发出一种可以反映他人梦境的机器。通过微型DC的帮助,梦境在显示器上呈现出来,更方便找到一个人焦虑的症结。   某日,三台微型DC失窃,与之相关的研究人员的梦境接连被人侵入,随后受到严重伤害。美女医疗师千叶敦子另一个身份是梦境侦探“红辣椒”,她能够与患者同步体验梦境。为避免盗贼利用微型DC进一步作恶,她不得不潜入受害者的梦中寻找恐怖分子,一场充满奇幻和惊险的争斗旋即展开……   本片入围2006年威尼斯电影节主竞赛单元,荣获2007年葡萄牙奇幻电影节影评人选择奖、2006年蒙特利尔电影节大众选择奖。

Three scientists at the Foundation for Psychiatric Research fail to secure a device they've invented, the D.C. Mini, which allows people to record and watch their dreams. A thief uses the device to enter people's minds, when awake, and distract them with their own dreams and those of others. Chaos ensues. The trio - Chiba, Tokita, and Shima - assisted by a police inspector and by a sprite named Paprika must try to identify the thief as they ward off the thief's attacks on their own psyches. Dreams, reality, and the movies merge, while characters question the limits of science and the wisdom of Big Brother.


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