美国工程师彼德森(夏恩·韦斯特 Shane West 饰)意外得到一部手机,接收到一条神秘短信。他先是因为它躲过了一次空难,后来,又在赌场里利用手机给他的短信赢得了不少的钱。他在赌场的举动不仅引起了赌场头目约翰的注意,也引来了格兰特特工。表面上格兰特用诈骗罪将彼德森逮捕,实际上他知道凡是用过此种手机的人最后都会死掉,他就是负责调查这个案子的人。   科技时代,每部手机,它拨打的电话、发送的信息、手机邮件都通过卫星得到其踪迹,只除了一部,这是一部世界上独一无二的手机,一部具有预测能力的万能手机,它让你得到一切,只要你能保住它。所有按照短信的指令去做的人,都将能得到意想不到的巨大财富。然而,这写短信也能让人深陷一个致命的阴谋当中。彼德森的命运将会如何?这部神奇的手机究竟隐藏着怎么样的秘密?

Max Peterson is a globe-trotting techno-whiz who installs security systems on computers. He receives an anonymous gift: a phone which sends messages that enable him to win at a casino. Max soon finds himself pursed by hit men, the casino's security chief, and a CIA operative. Who's sending Max messages? Previous recipients of similar windfalls have ended up dead. After a couple of close scrapes, Max realizes he's in danger, so he tries to find out the root of the conspiracy - which seems to have access to every security camera in the world - before he's the next victim. Why is this happening to him, and who can he trust?

夺命手机 结局。精彩,为其着迷!。再厉害的电脑也会被逻辑玩死的【亲们有剧透哦】。山寨“鹰眼”。。。突然想到了乔治同学的1984- =。美国也搞山寨。人工智能在生物特征以外利用概率学扮先知最出格的想象。几个类型片的混搭。。。。是电脑的阴谋还是人类该反思了吗?。简单分析。

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