本格派推理作家寒川,在博物馆观佛像时偶遇少妇静子小姐。静子作为推理小说迷,与寒川迅速熟络交好。不久,静子小姐意外的接到一封署名大江春泥的恐吓信,原来与寒川同为推理文学界竞争对手的另一位变格派推理作家大江春泥是静子早年的男朋友,曾因静子的另嫁他人而陷入人生的低谷。时隔多年 后,大江春泥以变格推理小说家的身份再次出现并打算实施报复,静子原本平静的生活受到了干扰。随着一封封恐吓信的到来,静子发现自己无时无刻不被人监视。迫于无法与丈夫坦白的压力,静子只能救助于寒川.......结果却招到了恐怖的反击....

An author of mystery stories gets ensnared in a real murder case. An industrial tycoon and husband of his biggest fan lies dead and one of his colleagues, a successful but antisocial writer may be involved, too -- as well as a mysterious Englishwoman and a chambermaid behaving very suspiciously.


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