在影片里杰克·霍肯斯演绎了一个被迫退休的上校,请一个腐败的前英国陆军骨干来帮他抢劫一百万英镑——这个冒险复杂的计划同时还牵扯进了军队。强大的演员阵容包括了英国最著名的演员们:理查德·阿顿布罗夫, 布莱恩·福比斯和罗杰·里弗斯。让这部里程碑式的电影迅速蹿红并影响了以后好莱坞无数的同类型影片。

Involuntarily-retired Colonel Hyde recruits seven other dissatisfied ex-servicemen for a special project. Each of the men has a skeleton in the cupboard, is short of money, and is a service-trained expert in his field. The job is a bank robbery, and military discipline and planning are imposed by Hyde and second-in-command Race on the team, although civilian irritations do start getting in the way.


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