在大都会盘桓多年的堂菌鸫美(荣仓奈奈 饰)身心疲惫,她辞掉工作后默默回到老家,与祖母十和相守度日。不过随着祖母的去世,鸫美重新被抛入孤独和悲伤之中。某个夜晚,一个中年男子不请自来出现在鸫美的家中。对方名叫海江田醇(丰川悦司 饰),自称是角岛大学哲学系教授,此前一直跟随鸫美的祖母学习印染技术。他拥有老房子的钥匙,并且全然没有离开的意思。海江田率真耿直,且个性毒舌,令鸫美不胜其扰,他甚至四处乱说会和鸫美结婚。但在磕磕绊绊的相处过程中,他们之间的距离似乎悄然地缩短了……   本片根据西炯子的同名漫画改编。

In the wake of her grandmother's death, Tsugumi Dozono, who used to work at a large electronics company in Tokyo, decides to move from to the home her grandmother left behind, in the countryside, and work from home. One day, a mysterious middle-aged man named Jun Kaieda arrives at the home wanting to stay the night. He tells Tsugumi that he is her grandmother's ex-student and her grandmother gave him a key to the annex house. Tsugumi doesn't quite understand the nature of the relationship Kaieda had with her grandmother, but the two begin living together in an awkward arrangement.


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