东京的都市丛林中央,残存着一栋古旧寒酸的老房子,这里局促地生活着柴田一家五口人。在工地当临时工的男人阿治(Lily Franky 饰)经常带着儿子祥太(城桧吏 饰)到超市盗窃生活用品,这一天,他们回家路上遇到了独自待在户外的四岁女孩由里(佐佐木美结 饰)。妻子信代(安藤樱 饰)起初极力主张将女孩送回父母身边,但当看到女孩原生家庭的状况时又心生恻隐。原本柴田家就靠着老奶奶初枝(树木希林 饰)的养老金度日,而今多了一口人,自然更艰辛了几分。包括信代的妹妹亚纪(松冈茉优 饰)在内,虽然一家人游走在贫困和违法的边缘,但笃深的羁绊将他们紧紧联系在一起,使他们的心不会随着冰冷的都市而寒冷下去……   本片荣获第71届戛纳电影节金棕榈

A Japanese couple stuck with part-time jobs and hence inadequate incomes avail themselves of the fruits of shoplifting to make ends meet. They are not alone in this behaviour. The younger and the older of the household are in on the act. The unusual routine is about to change from care-free and matter-of-fact to something more dramatic, however, as the couple open their doors to a beleaguered teenager. The reasons for the family and friends' habit and their motivations come under the microscope.

善是本能 爱要习得。108个秘密。《小偷家族》各成员过往经历&行为动机分析。不止25个细节:那些无声的羁绊,那些有声的家。那一晚的烟花是真的吗?。向恶而善,是枝裕和设了一个人性悬疑的局。《小偷家族》中有哪些值得称道的细节之处?。“蛆虫”的乌托邦。除了钱,我们什么都有。。他们已经足够相爱,为什么还是不能获得幸福?。

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