故事发生在1958年的西德,乔汉(亚历山大·斐林 Alexander Fehling 饰)是一名法院公诉人,专门负责处理违反交通安全法案的诉讼案件。一天,在法院里,他偶遇了一位名叫托马斯(安德烈·席曼斯基 André Szymanski 饰)的记者正在大声的控诉一位中学教师,他指认对方在二战期间是奥斯维辛集中营的监视人,如今却逃脱了法律制裁。   这一事件的发生引发了乔汉深深的思考,他开始关注起周围的人对于德国曾经的暴行的认知和态度,结果令他震惊。于是,乔汉决定开始着手寻找奥斯维辛集中营的幸存者,并且让他们指认现在仍旧逍遥法外的战犯。随着调查的深入,乔汉震惊的发现,这整件事情牵连的人数之多,就连自己也难逃其咎。

The year is 1958. The war has been over for thirteen years and the Federal Republic of Germany is not only recovering but even booming. But where are the Nazis? Who has ever heard of the death camps? It looks as if everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds in this land of milk and honey - At least, until the day journalist Thomas Gnielka reports on the recognition by a German-Jewish artist of a local schoolteacher, a former guard at the Auschwitz concentration camp - At least, until Johann Radmann, a young prosecutor, decides to investigate the case - Nobody knows it yet but this is the dawn of a new era. Even if the road to awareness will be long and rocky.


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