20世纪70年代初的北京,忙着“闹革命”大人无空理会小孩,加上学校停课无事可做,以军队大院男孩为突出代表的少年人便自找乐子,靠起哄、打架、闹事、拍婆子等方式挥霍过量的荷尔蒙。马小军(夏雨 饰)就是这样的少年,他的嗜好之一是趁别人家无人用万能钥匙将其锁打开,溜进去耍玩一番,正是用这样的方式,少女米兰(宁静 饰)的照片先于其人入了马小军的双眼。通过院里的“头儿”刘忆苦(耿乐 饰),马小军又见到之前在炮局偶然瞥见过一眼的米兰,开始正式将其当作梦中情人,然而在米兰眼中,马小军不过是毛孩一个,她中意的人是成熟、稳重、帅气的刘忆苦。自此,马小军迎来五味混杂的青春期生活。   本片改编自王朔短篇小说《动物凶猛》。夏雨凭此片获得第51届威尼斯国际电影节最佳男演员(银狮奖)。

MA Xiaojun, a teenager boy, enjoying 100% freedom, grew up brutally in Beijing in the special days of cultural revolution. With nothing to do in schools, he began to sneak into strangers' homes using a self-made key. One day, he opened a door, entering the house of MI Lan. Without any notice, Mi came back home early, making MA nowhere to hide but under the bed. He saw the well-shaped young girl changing and naturally, as a teenager boy, he fell into the puppy love. Without any agenda or expectation, he tried to court the girl... Time passed away, young boys and girls changed. When looking back at the days of puberty, it seems the Sun shined strongly everyday. And the heat of the sun, though far fading, can still be felt in the memories of the people of that generation. Long story short, it is a Chinese version of the sorrows of younger Werther.

往事总在忘却时被人提起。人和他所处的时代。窥视米兰,臆测姜文,回忆自己《阳光灿烂的日子》。《阳光灿烂的日子》体现了姜文的什么风格?。溺水少年 ——献给旧时光。两名男性记忆中的青春悸动。《阳光灿烂的日子》温后。关于95年公映版《阳光灿烂的日子》多了的那场梦。《阳光灿烂的日子》中的真实与幻觉。青春的纯度。

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