台湾一个小渔村,女孩阿北(舒淇 饰)一直在这里过着平静的生活。直到有一天,她在海边拣到了一个由香港飘过来的玻璃樽。玻璃樽里有一张香港男孩写的纸条:“我很寂寞,你呢?”,里面还留了他的住址和联系电话。于是,阿北开始在满怀憧憬中来到香港寻找这个男孩。   根据地址,阿北找到了男孩阿波。阿波为阿北的勇气所折服,收留了她。经过一段时间的接触,阿北惊奇地发现阿波原来是个同性恋,根本不是自己心目中的白马王子。这时,阿北遇上了心中的白马王子――金融奇才阿祥(成龙 饰)。为了接近喜欢追求刺激的阿祥,阿北谎称自己是黑社会老大的女儿。于是,一场意想不到的经历发生了。

A Taiwanese girl named Bu has just been proposed to. While pondering the proposal, she finds a message in a bottle which inspires her go to Hong Kong to meet the guy, Albert, who wrote the message. However, she finds out that Albert is gay. A successful playboy businessman CN, and Howie have been rivals in love and business since school days. Howie finds out that CN is dating his girl and also trying to take over his company. Howie tells his guys to teach CN a lesson. Bu happens to be there and saves CN, but decides to fake her identity and scheme to make him fall in love with her. In the meantime Howie, who wants to teach CN a humiliating lesson, hires a highly trained foreign fighter to beat him.

喜欢一个人只需要五个字。笑死我了。。。。成龙的白马王子梦。笑一笑。喜欢舒淇这样的女孩。所有的童话最后都会成为普通话。封面海报应该要再时髦点的。来夜方长。其实就是漂流瓶是不? 叫了玻璃樽气质就完全不一样了。成龙的一次颠覆之作。

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