阿美(王祖贤 饰)是个美丽的女孩子,可是天生脚就有残疾。她的父亲(黄霑 饰)因被堂叔欺骗买下了一间破旧不堪的超级市场,花掉了毕生积蓄的父亲变得疯疯癫癫的。阿美既要照顾父亲,又要帮忙打理超级市场,生活的重担落在了她的身上。在一次交通意外中,司机梁少祖(周润发 饰)以为自己 把阿美撞至残疾,十分内疚,便决定要帮助阿美经营超级市场。阿美一开始并不信任梁少祖,到后来他联合朋友来帮助自己的超级市场度过难关,心里满是感动,两人更坠入了爱河。

Joe (Chow Yun Fat), a taxi driver who finds love when he accidentally hits someone with his taxi. The victim is May (Joey Wang), a sweet girl who walks with a limp due to one of her legs being longer than the other. Joe mistakenly thinks that he's crippled May for life, so to make it up to her he works for her family, helping them run their grocery store. Soon, he falls in love with May, but she's slow to return his affection. She'd better make up her mind quick, though, because her buxom, cousin (Nina Li Chi) has her eyes flirting on Joe, too!


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