西恩(Adam Garcia)和米两兄弟都在钢铁厂打工,过著沉闷刻板的生活。西恩具有跳舞的天赋,他希望一天能凭著自己的舞艺打出名堂;而米契尔则是一个实事求事的人,他极力游说兄长西恩与他一起做生意,把跳舞视为兴趣。西恩决定辞掉工作,跑去一著名舞蹈团学跳舞,兄弟二人间的拗撬由此而生,而当二人同时爱上同一个女人后,情况更进入白热化阶段……西恩对梦想的执迷,能否真的带给他一条出路呢?

Born charmer Sean Okden gave up tap-dancing when he started working in the steel mill, but as that's going down the hill he grabs his chance being the only candidate in his coastal Australian home town Newcastle selected for a Sidney show. Being sacked soon just for a row with the arrogant lead dancer, he returns to find his girlfriend in bed with his brother Mitchell, and decides to start his own tap-dance group wearing hardhats, which he soon gives an original edge when the steel mill inspires him to weld metal on their shoes and dance on industrial steel, so it the metallic acoustics fit well with a local rock group. Financing their local debut is so expensive, even when the mill allows them free us of its premises -opening some acrobatic perspectives- while even his father won't allow him to touch his mother's inheritance for the project, that the 'Bootmen' need to steal the cheerleaders' podium in a televised sports match to get media attention. Sean generously helps his brother when attacked, at the price of their motorbikes, only to learn his assailant Huey and Mitch rival as car (part) thieves, but still allows him into the group - only to see his fatal fall during an attack by Huey's goons. Even when the mill announces phasing out Sean continues, now as a benefit for the sacked workers' retraining.


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