Gil and Inez travel to Paris as a tag-along vacation on her parents' business trip. Gil is a successful Hollywood writer but is struggling on his first novel. He falls in love with the city and thinks they should move there after they get married, but Inez does not share his romantic notions of the city or the idea that the 1920s was the golden age. When Inez goes off dancing with her friends, Gil takes a walk at midnight and discovers what could be the ultimate source of inspiration for writing. Gil's daily walks at midnight in Paris could take him closer to the heart of the city but further from the woman he's about to marry.

片中提到的名人再整理。穿越滚蛋!现世万岁。浪漫主义的真谛。并不是每个法国女孩都如同片中跳蚤市场的女孩那么礼貌可爱,说那么好的英语,而且就住在塞纳河旁边,让你在雨中的pont neuf上碰到并且让你送她回家。电影笔记:《午夜巴黎》。《午夜上海》剧透。菲兹与欧内。当我们怀旧我们在怀念什么。伍迪艾伦自己谈论这部电影所表达的意义。最好的巴黎。

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