Nina (Portman) is a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her obsessive former ballerina mother Erica (Hershey) who exerts a suffocating control over her. When artistic director Thomas Leroy (Cassel) decides to replace prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre (Ryder) for the opening production of their new season, Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice. But Nina has competition: a new dancer, Lily (Kunis), who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a dancer who can play both the White Swan with innocence and grace, and the Black Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role perfectly but Lily is the personification of the Black Swan. As the two young dancers expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship, Nina begins to get more in touch with her dark side - a recklessness that threatens to destroy her.

白羽黑翼,疯魔了小青衣。一个没有性魅力的人,做什么事都不会成功(文末新增,6年后的时空对话)。Dance (together) with your heart。波兰斯基附体。《黑天鹅》她是自恋又自我厌恶的。匿藏心底的恶之花。“乖”的本质是压抑——《黑天鹅》观后感。殉欲者•殉舞者。新瓶装旧酒。才华横溢的大师级作品。

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