《泡沫之夏》改编自大陆言情天后明晓溪的同名作品。   尹夏沫(徐熙媛 饰) 和洛熙(黄晓明 饰) 因同是孤儿的身份让彼此互相吸引。但深爱夏沫的男朋友欧辰(何润东 饰) 为了分开两人,把洛熙送到英国留学。夏沫的养父母在送其弟尹澄(沈建宏 饰) 去医院的路上出车祸死去,夏沫悲痛欲绝,将一切怪罪于欧辰,从而导致他出车祸丧失了记忆……   五年后洛熙成了超级的天王巨星,夏沫与他重新相遇再续前缘。但一切随着欧辰恢复记忆而崩塌,为了抢回夏沫,他以把肾给小澄作为条件。为了弟弟,夏沫选择了欧辰,却导致婚礼的当天,绝望的洛熙自杀身亡。而无意间得知真相的小澄,在上手术台的前一刻坚持拒绝接受手术。悲痛于洛熙的自杀,愧疚于欧辰的深情,本就备受内心煎熬的夏沫,再也无法接受小澄病逝的打击,支撑不住的她,陷入了与世隔绝的自我封闭状态……

Xia Mo and Luo Xi were both orphans adopted by the same family. Their closeness made Ou Chen, Xia Mo's rich boyfriend, increasingly jealous. He forced their separation by sending Luo Xi to study abroad. However, his overbearing behavior only pushed Xia Mo to breakup with him. Heartbroken, he got into a car accident and lost his memory. Five years later, Luo Xi returns as a super star. He reunites with Xia Mo and helps her succeed in the show biz. Just when their relationship seems rosy, it begins to crumple as Ou Chen regains his memory and does everything he can to get Xia Mo back.

感谢何润东还给我们一个原汁原味的泡沫之夏。我觉得很棒。三个主演加起来都超100岁了 还演什么校园纯情高中生 -0-。绝对是个梦。。我们都老了。。我妈评泡沫之夏。站欧辰,咯咯咯。虐恋。泡沫。大s就是心目中的夏沫。

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