本片主要讲述了一个以赛车为核心的纯正港产警匪故事。 陈翔(余文乐 饰)是警队交通部精英“隐形车队”的新队员,血气方刚、嫉恶如仇的他驾驶伪装的警车,隐没在路上追缉目标。蒋薪(郭晓冬 饰)是专帮劫匪驾车逃亡的“车手”,他凭借一手“8000转,2迈”的直角原地悬浮漂移技术独霸车坛,出道以来未曾失手。而将退休的警察卢峰(黄秋生 饰)性格怯懦保守,作为陈翔的警队拍档,两人一起执行任务常常以互掐告终。在多年前与蒋薪的一次交手中,卢留下很深的心理阴影。这次,蒋薪重出江湖犯案,陈翔追进窄巷险些车毁人亡。为救陈翔,卢峰重驾“隐形战车”再战悍匪。一场惊心动魄、生死时速的警匪狂飙飞车大战一触即发。
An overconfident rookie in the Stealth Riders division, a secret police unit consisting of the best drivers on the force that take down criminals in the drag racing underworld, teams up with his veteran partner to take on a legendary escape driver who has never been caught. As they put together a strategic plan to take this criminal down they put the petal to the metal in a death-defying showdown with only their cars as their weapons.
《车手》:车技挽救了整部电影。车手。勉强三分样。吾等过个科目二都肝抖胆颤的就洗洗睡了吧。一部好电影,演员用错了。。《车手》之后,银河系后继有人啊!。《車手》(Motorway - 2012)。果然輸了。輸動作獎倒霉。为了余文乐。
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