After he is fired from the Anti-Villain League for failing to take down the latest bad guy to threaten humanity, Gru finds himself in the midst of a major identity crisis. But when a mysterious stranger shows up to inform Gru that he has a long-lost twin brother-a brother who desperately wishes to follow in his twin's despicable footsteps-one former super-villain will rediscover just how good it feels to be bad.

还是怀念当初坏坏的偷月大盗。卑鄙的我3:卑鄙的不是坏蛋,被逼的是孩子。小黄人!!!。神偷奶爸3:从放松到放纵。小黄人一如既往的那么有趣,可爱 ,希望还有四。小黄人还是当配角的时候比较萌。神偷奶爸3。这是什么?。那么喜欢小黄人的话 那就别来糟蹋“卑鄙的我”了。回归家庭 系列第二佳。

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