
Lucifer, bored from his sulking life in hell comes to live in Los Angeles only to help humanity with its miseries through his experience and telepathic abilities to bring people's deepest desires and thoughts out of them. While meeting with a girl in his nightclub (called Lux), a shootout involving him and the girl leads him to become a LAPD consultant who tries to punish people for their crimes through law and justice.

我为什么给五星?。女主的真实身份无责任猜想及对接下来情节预测。客观的定位来评价这部剧,这是一部关于寻找自我的励志剧。。太狗血了。分享路西法的片尾曲。既然是魔鬼就别有太高要求。多元化的《路西法》。路西法,一个孤独缺爱的小孩。高分美剧冲。片头出“Lucifer “字幕时候是什么歌啊!。

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