某东南亚政府与跨国企业合作,在落后地区大肆发展基建。美国工程师杰克(欧文·威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰) 因而被公司外派,携同妻女长驻当地参与项目发展。杰克以为能在椰林树影的东南亚惬意展开新生活之际,但是愤怒的当地居民却因政府借基建为名中饱私囊而爆发骚乱。政府警察 、军队节节败退,地区陷入无政府状态,民怨矛头迅即转向杰克等一班无辜的外国侨民,血腥的排外屠杀一发不可收拾。 杰克能否在长居东南亚几十年的哈蒙德(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)的帮助下,带领家人成功逃离险境?
When Jack (Owen Wilson) finds an opportunity to move to Southeast Asia to head his water manufacturing company's new plant there, he immediately jumps at the opportunity and moves his family there. When they get there; they seem to be having problems, the electronics don't work and rarely any cars are seen in the streets. When he goes to the market the next morning, he finds himself caught in the middle of a violent rebellion headed by armed rebels executing foreigners. Jack must get back to the hotel and with the help of a mysterious British "tourist" (Pierce Brosnan), must get his family to the American Embassy in the midst of the chaos.
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