上世纪初,猖獗的香港海盗屡屡劫持商船,考虑到各国商家的投资信心会因此减少,继尔香港国际贸易中心的地位可能会不保,当局改编水师,成立了一支特警小队负责海上治安。   队长马如龙(成龙)执行公务时遭人陷害,愤而辞职。海盗头目罗三炮(狄威)抓走官兵家眷做人质,当局决定利用内线周永龄从中调停。因为早知周永龄与海盗勾结,马如龙自告奋勇拯救人质,他重组水师,制定了A计划,期望通过与上司洪天赐(元彪)及好兄弟卓一飞(洪金宝)作里应外合,将海盗一网打尽。

In late 19th Century Hong Kong the British may rule the land, but the pirates rule the waters. Reluctantly, the Coast Guard is given money to fight these pirates, but the pirates themselves have many contacts (that is, bribed officials) in the government, and seek to thwart the Coast Guard's efforts to eliminate them. One Coast Guard officer is Dragon Ma, who is determined that his beloved Coast Guard will not be made fools of.


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