威尔·史密斯之子贾登·史密斯加盟音乐剧集《The Get Down》。剧情讲述一群生活在纽约市南布朗克斯郡青少年,关于街舞和街头文化的故事,小史密斯将饰演马库斯·吉卜林,一名才华横溢的涂鸦画家。这部剧集由巴兹·鲁曼执导,索尼影视和Netflix联合制片,预计明年亮相Netflix。

The Get Down focuses on 1970s New York City - broken down and beaten up, violent, cash strapped -- dying. Consigned to rubble, a rag-tag crew of South Bronx teenagers are nothings and nobodies with no one to shelter them - except each other, armed only with verbal games, improvised dance steps, some magic markers and spray cans. From Bronx tenements, to the SoHo art scene; from CBGBs to Studio 54 and even the glass towers of the just-built World Trade Center, The Get Down is a mythic saga of how New York at the brink of bankruptcy gave birth to hip-hop, punk and disco -- told through the lives and music of the South Bronx kids who changed the city, and the world...forever.

关于The Get Down的人物原型。喜欢人当然不犯法,我不能只到喜欢为止。用BGM带你看美剧《少年嘻哈梦》(上)。忒够味儿。用BGM带你看美剧《少年嘻哈梦》(下)。一部必看的hip hop正史。关键道具:Studio 54。超燃的梦想。人民的艺术原来如此前卫。不追悔死系列剧。

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