
类型:悬疑  地区:日本  年份:2012 

1998年的春天,母亲去世的少年榊原恒一(山崎贤人 饰)因父亲赴海外公干,于是转学至母亲的故乡夜见山市求学。刚刚来到此地,他便旧病复发住入医院,并在某个夜晚意外见到一名左眼戴着眼罩、怀抱娃娃只身前往太平间的美少女。不久后,恒一进入新的班级三年3班,同学们热情友爱,但是和善的外表下似乎又隐藏什么秘密。同时他还发现,那名医院里的女孩——见崎鸣(桥本爱 饰)与之是同班同学,但是同学们全部忽视见崎的存在。不久后,他从同学那里了解到发生在26年前的一起事件,而该事件长久影响着历届三年3班的学生,如今诅咒再启……   本片根据本格派推理小说家绫辻行人的同名原著改编。

After a chain of deaths at a junior high school, new transfer student Koichi Sakakibara (Kento Yamazaki) turns to a mysterious girl (Ai Hashimoto) who holds the key to the dark mystery. In the spring of 1998, 15-year-old Koichi Sakakibara's (Kento Yamazaki) father goes abroad and Koichi Sakakibara goes to live with his aunt Reiko Mikami (Ai Kato), who lives in a mountain region. Not long after he moves in with his aunt, he collapses from a pneumothorax attack and becomes hospitalized. One day, at the elevator in the hospital, Koichi meets a pretty girl wearing a uniform and an eye patch. Koichi just stares at her. The pretty girl says something strange and then vanishes in the hospital mortuary. After being discharged from the hospital, Koichi goes to his new school. He finds the pretty girl, Mei Misaki (Ai Hashimoto) is also in his class. Koichi doesn't feel comfortable, because all of his classmates and even his teacher act like the girl doesn't exist.

Another真人版情報。蠢度爆表。比较失败。谈谈对原著与演员的一些想法。说真的 还可以吧,还是值这个票钱的。。被改的无厘头了。编剧是绫辻行人?!!。让死者混乱回归满眼槽点的「死神来了」。二次元转三次元就不要期望太高了。究其原因或许是因为电影太短了吧。

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