
Set in the final years of the Ming Dynasty, when the nation is gifted a rare creature by the Bruneian Empire. A member of the Imperial Secret Police is tasked to tame the beast but realising that it is a kind creature by nature, he releases it from the palace and then elopes with the daughter of a man executed on false charges. His action prompts the palace to put a hefty bounty on the creature and now martial arts masters are hunting for it, hoping to earn the bounty.

古天乐周冬雨你们要是被绑架了就眨眨眼。《武林怪兽》:论“骂”人,尔冬升比冯小刚高明多了。一部对不起 你的时间的电影。看哭了,公公对古天乐的情谊天地可鉴。『武林怪兽』招财进宝,一言难尽。廉价武林。古装喜剧特效怪兽动作片可以休了。古天乐和周冬雨你们是有多缺钱?。.。可惜了古。

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