本片忠实地记述了1960年代美国迷幻摇滚代表乐队——大门乐队的灵魂主唱吉姆·莫里森(方·基默 Val Kilmer饰)从成名到自我毁灭的一生。   在电影学校,莫里森结识了喜欢弹钢琴的键盘手雷·曼札克,两人一拍即合,决定组建一支令世界震惊的摇滚乐队:The Doors。很快,莫里森在这里找到了其他两位乐队成员:鼓手约翰·丹斯莫和吉他手罗比·克雷格。不久,大门乐队因《Light My Fire》一跃成名,万千乐迷为之疯狂。在拥有金钱名利诸多光环后的莫里森,却始终无法被任何人真正了解,有人认为他是诗人、艺术家,也有人把他当做疯子、瘾君子。27岁的莫里森最终选择了死亡来结束这段无以伦比的个人传奇。

Oliver Stone's homage to 1960s rock group The Doors also doubles as a biography of the group's late singer, the "Electric Poet" Jim Morrison. The movie follows Morrison from his days as a film student in Los Angeles to his death in Paris, France at age 27 in 1971. The movie features a tour-de-force performance by Val Kilmer, who not only looks like Jim Morrison's long-lost twin brother, but also sounds so much like him that he did much of his own singing. It has been written that even the surviving Doors had trouble distinguishing Kilmer's vocals from Morrison's originals.

you are not my poet。知觉之门。Jim Morrison 诗人,歌手,作曲家。早已游完人间的。野性的呼唤。关于大门乐队。纵情声色;关于门的一些片段。长叹...。此地无人生还——好导演、不错的影片,只是与Jim morrison无关。吉姆·莫瑞森:向童年告别的歌。

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