罗马许愿池边,小女孩儿正要把一枚金币投到水池里。拉着风琴,敲着架子鼓的孤身艺人却用自己的音乐吸引了她。她崇拜的看着艺人表演,手里的金币一点点移向艺人的口袋。   这时另一个以拉小提琴为主的“光杆乐队”却半路杀出,小姑娘在两个优秀的艺人前犹豫不决。两个“光杆乐队”渐渐从卖弄手艺,变成了激烈的竞争,两人都想从小姑娘手里拿到那枚金币。   在混乱的争夺中,金币跌倒了下水井里,小姑娘生气的嘟起了嘴。她把手伸向一把小提琴,真正的好戏上演了......

With one coin to make a wish at the piazza fountain, One Man Band tells the humorously captivating tale of a peasant girl who encounters two competing street performers who'd prefer the coin find its way into their tip jars. As the two one-man bands' rivalry crescendos, the two overly eager musicians vie to win the little girl's attention.


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