Garland's novel centers on a young nicotine-addicted traveler named Richard, an avid pop-culture buff with a particular love for video games and Vietnam War movies. While at a hotel in Bangkok, he finds a map left by his strange, whacked-out neighbor, who just committed suicide. The map supposedly leads to a legendary island paradise where some other wayward souls have settled.

What’s so fucking lonely about the Khao San Road?。迷幻沙滩——易碎的天堂。喜欢皆因为心态相似。远离天堂。海滩:天堂的外皮,腐臭的内核。人走到哪里 天堂就会在哪里毁灭。《海滩》——天堂在人间,友谊和爱情在别处。喜欢的两段话。。乌托邦的诞生与覆灭。完美海滩下的人性暴露。

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