达浦(约翰·亚伯拉罕 John Abraham 饰)和秦都(阿克谢·库玛尔 Akshay Kumar 饰)是同父异母的两兄弟,因为不堪回首的往事,两家人之间的关系只能用水火不容来形容。两人的女儿分别叫汉娜(卡瑞斯玛·卡珀 Karisma Kapoor 饰)和芭比(阿辛 Asin 饰),时间如同白驹过隙,两个女孩很快就出落得亭亭玉立到了即将家人的年龄。达浦和秦都都野心勃勃的希望自己的女儿能够嫁给伦敦最有钱的人,但这最有钱的人只有一名,究竟谁能钓得金龟婿呢?   一场意外中,阿杰的父亲心脏病突发不幸去世,而这一切的罪魁祸首是莽撞而又暴躁的秦都。阿杰决定替父报仇,他找来了自己的好友乔力与马克思等人,将复仇的目标对准了秦都的女儿。

Housefull 2 is about the Kapoor family. Daboo and Chintu are brothers but they hate each other to the core. Even their wives and daughters hate each other. Both claim that they are going to get the richest son-in-law for their daughter. Aakhri Pasta, a marriage counselor, brings Jai's parents to Chintu, but Pasta says the wrong things and Chintu abuses Jai's father, who suffers a heart attack. Jai seeks revenge, which turns into a comedic disaster.


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