获奖:2003年布宜诺斯艾利斯独立电影节最佳电影 2003年戛纳影展法国文化奖年度最佳外国导演 2003年戛纳影展“一种注目”最佳电影 介绍:在广阔的毛里塔尼亚沙漠的边缘座落着一个叫Nouadhibou的临海小镇。在那儿,17岁的阿布达拉在移居欧洲前准备去探望母亲。这位忧郁的年轻人觉得自己在家乡格格不入;不会说当地语言;躲避乡村的风俗习惯和传统节日;相比传统服饰,他更喜欢最新的欧洲款式。但是阿布达拉还是融入到这片陌生的环境和当地居民的生活当中。他遇上忧伤而魅惑的娜娜;年长的巧手工玛塔;还有浓眉大眼的乐观小孤儿卡特拉。导演这部充满诗意,摄影优美的电影细致地观察并尖锐地对发展和传统之间的冲突做出尖锐的分析。
On the seacoast of Mauritania, some wait to go to Europe. Khatra, a spirited boy, wants an electric light so he can read at night. A stoic older man, Maata, tries to wire the room. Abdallah, a youth on his way to Europe, says good-bye to his mother. Nana looks back on the death of her daughter and her trip to Europe to inform the father. A girl takes singing lessons. Rooms have small windows, looking out onto foot traffic; transistor radios provide some link beyond. Huge ships anchor in the distance. The train comes through, stopping briefly. Offering a cigarette is a gesture of hospitality. Sand dunes and the ocean dominate the landscape. Hope springs amidst small expectations.
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