冬日的夜里,律师米歇尔(伊安•霍姆 Ian Holm 饰)在某洗车房洗车时,接到了嗑药女儿佐伊打来的电话,言语间暴露了父女之间理念上的矛盾。怀着一腔闷气的米歇尔,又遭遇了洗车时车门打不开的尴尬,最后只能愤然弃车,扬长而去。此前,在飞机上,米歇尔曾邂逅女儿的昔日好友艾莉森,并跟他讲述了父女分崩离析的原因……   米歇尔在小镇上目睹了一起车祸现场,那个载有学龄儿童的校车因躲避来车意外翻车掉进了湖里,导致很多家庭失去了亲生骨肉。米歇尔在探访中接触到了各式各样的家庭,有的父女畸形恋,有的酗酒暴力,有的疾病缠身。为了帮助他们向政府讨要抚恤金,律师走上了一条坎坷的助人为乐之路……   本片获第50届戛纳电影节评委会大奖。

A small community is torn apart by a tragic accident which kills most of the town's children. A lawyer visits the victims' parents in order to profit from the tragedy by stirring up the their anger and launching a class action suit against anyone they can blame. The community is paralyzed by its anger and cannot let go. All but one young girl, left in a wheelchair after the accident, who finds the courage to lead the way toward healing.

意外的春天。Brents'movie。FIFF21丨DAY8圆桌《甜蜜的来世》:我这辆破校车,还能不能踏进你的小镇?。The Sweet Hereafter —— 一种法律与齐泽克的解读。老实说,没有看懂。真想请教那些看懂的人,交通事故律师起诉谁。The Sweet Hereafter。甜蜜的来世。隐秘。成人与孩子的隔阂,关于社会性责任问题的探讨非常深刻而生动。

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