贝奇,安吉和辛迪是在同一间公司里工作的同事,私底下三个姑娘亦是感情十分要好的好友。一次偶然中,三人在公司里捡到了一大袋钱,鬼迷心窍的她们将钱拿走藏在了贝奇的家中。虽然脑袋里有一万个想要用这笔钱来买的东西,但三人并不敢在毫不知情的情况下轻易的动用这笔钱。   原来,这笔巨款的主人是公司的总经理康大维,他贪污受贿假公济私的举动不慎曝光,知情者于是向其勒索了一笔巨款,哪知道却被贝奇等人半路拿走。勒索者眼看着没有拿到钱,于是将康大维的所作所为举报给了警方,康大维随即接受了调查。得知这一事实,三个姑娘的心简直提到了嗓子眼,那一带钱也仿佛不是钱了,而是一颗随时都会爆炸的定时炸弹。

Three colleagues (Carol Cheng, Joey Wong, Sandy Lam) at a Hong Kong corporation put in overtime at the office one night and stumbled upon a bag filled with 10 million dollars in cash. Ecstatic with their wealthy find, they took the money and began to concoct a safe plan to spend it. However, when the friends discover that their company's senior manager was blackmailed and the money left behind to pay out the blackmailer was reported missing, the friends fear that they might be reprimanded for finding and taking the cash.

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