就读于纽约某大学的贾丝廷(萝兰萨·伊佐 Lorenza Izzo 饰)是一名联合国官员的女儿,她原本优哉游哉,嬉笑怒骂,生活平淡无奇。偶然的机会,她受邀加入了由亚历杭德罗(艾瑞尔·利维 Ariel Levy 饰)领军的环保示威组织ACT。该组织近期正打算前往位于秘鲁亚马逊丛林的某个小村落,不久前该地发现丰富的天然气资源,而大型公司图谋砍伐丛林、驱逐村民,甚至不惜用到屠杀的手段。为了抗议这种不人道的暴行,ACT的各位经过周密规划启程来到秘鲁。这群在最发达的国家过惯了养尊处优生活的年轻人,带着半度假的心情来到了异国他乡。   在经历了严峻的生死考验后,他们的抗议终于取得成功。谁知返程途中飞机出现故障坠毁,幸存者置身丛林中,而神秘的食人族正悄然向他们靠近……

In New York, college student Justine joins a group of activists led by Alejandro and travels to Peru to protest against a timber industry that is destroying the Amazon rain forest. When the group is returning to civilization, the plane blows-up and crashes into the forest. Soon the survivors discover that they are not alone and they are abducted by a tribe of cannibals.


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