《The Hatfields and McCoys》则聚焦于美国声名狼藉的两个家族——Hatfields和McCoys——之争。曾获得奥斯卡最佳导演的凯文·科斯特纳将饰演主角之一“恶魔”(Devil)Anse Hatfield。争执源自内战时期,Anse Hatfield和Randall McCoy本是要好的哥们儿,但不想后来生变,二人结下梁子,甚至引得弗吉尼亚州和肯塔基州都不安宁,由此,这两大家族联手制造了是美国史上最臭名昭著的血腥争端。

The story of the feud that nearly launched a war between Kentucky and West Virginia. Devil Anse Hatfield and Randall McCoy were close friends until near the end of the Civil War, when they return to their homes -- Hatfield in Kentucky and McCoy in West Virginia -- to increasing tensions and misunderstandings that quickly lead to all-out warfare between the clans (partially caused by a stolen pig). As hostilities grow and outside forces join the fight, the states where the families live are brought to the brink of another war as the feud makes international headlines, the states' governors clash and the U.S. Supreme Court eventually intervenes.

没有人可以全身而退。McCoy家让人心碎。《血仇》:你必须让自己心碎。《血仇》:复仇产生虚无。仇恨的死结。每人心里都有颗仇恨的种子。无谓的枪炮与肮脏的玫瑰。很精彩的一部美剧,喜欢的程度更甚于Game Chang和The Girl。史诗般的西部家族爱恨情仇,编导演俱佳。血仇意味着没有理由。

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