Manhunt: Unabomber (formerly known as "Manifesto") will explore how the FBI caught infamous criminal masterminds, with each closed-ended season following a different case. The first season will focus on the FBI agent, a highly specialized linguist, who using unconventional means brought Ted Kaczynski, aka the "Unabomber", to justice after nearly a 20-year manhunt. The show, said to be heavily serialized and darkly psychological in the vein of True Detective,would provide insight into the criminal and the case but also the psychological effects the cases have on the FBI agents assigned to hunt down the most dangerous criminals who often delve into a kind of madness of their own, becoming totally absorbed in the crimes and forced to live inside the darkest minds imaginable for years.

探索频道如何挖掘一件旧案不为人知的秘密?。E08:A Big Win?(Finale观后更)。《论工业社会及其未来》。《工业社会及其未来》完整版:全文引自华盛顿邮报。我炸的不是人,是工业社会。你是只绵羊,你生活在全是绵羊的世界里。击败了敌人,却成为了敌人的信徒。科技表示这锅我不背,以及缺爱的熊孩子破坏力如何爆表。再聪明的反派,也难免死于话多。红灯停。

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