Butch and Sundance are the two leaders of the Hole-in-the-Wall Gang. Butch is all ideas, Sundance is all action and skill. The west is becoming civilized and when Butch and Sundance rob a train once too often, a special posse begins trailing them no matter where they run. Over rock, through towns, across rivers, the group is always just behind them. When they finally escape through sheer luck, Butch has another idea, "Let's go to Bolivia". Based on the exploits of the historical characters.

Butch的魅力。保罗纽曼,60年代的精神精髓。不像西部片的伙伴电影。Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head。很酷。转贴:虎豹小霸王。不能同生,但求同死。跨越世纪的浪漫牛仔。新好莱坞从此绝尘而去。导演说。

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