皮特(史蒂夫•茨恩 Steve Zahn 饰)的父亲生前是一档动物节目《陌生荒漠》的主持人,父亲的风格稳重幽默,颇受欢迎。但一切在皮特接手这档节目后都改变了,首先是播出时间从黄金档挪到了夜里三点,竞争对手皮尔斯一伙儿也频频发难,观众不停投诉皮特节目中安插的无厘头血腥暴力画面和毫无逻辑的解说词,更要命的是,皮特的团队根本是一个怪人大集合:瘾君子摄影师朱尼尔(贾斯汀•朗 Justin Long 饰),毒舌胖子库克(乔纳•希尔 Jonah Hill 饰)等人只能制作适合在火星播出的电视节目。皮特的节目眼看要被电视台抛弃,这时父亲的老友比尔向他们提供了南美“大脚怪”的线索,希望靠大脚怪挽救《陌生荒漠》的皮特一伙前往南美,用最疯狂的方式制作最疯狂的野外动物节目……

When his father dies, Peter Gaulke inherits "Strange Wilderness," dad's TV show about animals. After ratings plummet and the show is canceled, we watch a long flashback to see its demise. The studio head gives the show two more weeks. An old friend brings a story about Bigfoot in Ecuador, so a long road trip ensues with stops along the way and enough problems, misjudgments, and deaths to sink a less intrepid band. Peter's team faces competition from a better-funded and more practiced set of rivals. Who will find Bigfoot first, and will they get it on tape and save the show? Can Peter make dad proud?


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