故事发生在1989年,神情忧郁的16岁女孩莱拉(埃莉诺·汤姆林森 Eleanor Tomlinson 饰)因伤害同学而被学校出名,刚好她利用这个时间随同研究艺术史的希尔博士(斯蒂芬·瑞 Stephen Rea 饰)来到处于铁幕统治的匈牙利,对一座19世纪城堡中的画作进行研究。在一个清冷的早晨,原打算在树林里割腕自杀的莱拉意外目睹一场蓄意杀人的车祸,幸存者是名叫卡米拉(朱莉娅·皮楚查 Julia Pietrucha 饰)的女孩。卡米拉拒绝报警,随同莱拉来到城堡躲藏。在仿佛与世隔绝的所在,两个女孩手牵着手,成为了好朋友。   谁知卡米拉很快消失无踪,而沉睡在城堡中的神秘力量似乎也由此苏醒,所有的人陷入疯狂之中……

Lara (Eleanor Tomlinson) and her estranged father, Dr. Hill (Stephen Rea), travel behind the iron curtain to a decrepit castle outside the Hungarian town of Styria. In the nearby woods, Lara witnesses a car crash. Carmilla, (Julia Pietrucha), escapes from the wreckage as a driver attempts to run her over. When Lara hides this beautiful and mysterious stranger in the castle, the two start an intense and chaotic friendship. As their relationship deepens, the young women of Styria begin to go mad. When local girls are found dead from apparent suicides, Lara wonders if Carmilla is to blame or is there a darker secret behind the mass hysteria destroying the town.


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