罗密欧(阿德里安·蒂蒂耶尼 Adrian Titieni 饰)和妻子玛格达(莉亚·巴格纳 Lia Bugnar 饰)结婚多年,两人共同养育着女儿艾丽莎(玛丽亚·维多利亚·德拉格斯 Maria-Victoria Dragus 饰),漫长的婚姻生活令罗密欧和玛格达都感到疲惫不堪,对妻子早已经没有感情的罗密欧唯一的指望,就是将艾丽莎送出国留学,希望她能够尽早离开这个陈腐不堪的国家。   让罗密欧没有想到的是,艾丽莎竟然在会考前夕遭到了陌生男子的袭击,手臂受伤,导致她在之后的考试之中发挥不佳,为了不影响艾丽莎的前途,罗密欧不惜一意孤行贿赂官员买通阅卷老师,全然不顾妻子和女儿的感受,殊不知,这一连串的举动,令他坠入了万劫不复的深渊之中。

Romeo Aldea (49), a physician living in a small mountain town in Transylvania, has raised his daughter Eliza with the idea that once she turns 18, she will leave to study and live abroad. His plan is close to succeeding - Eliza has won a scholarship to study psychology in the UK. She just has to pass her final exams - a formality for such a good student. On the day before her first written exam, Eliza is assaulted in an attack that could jeopardize her entire future. Now Romeo has to make a decision. There are ways of solving the situation, but none of them using the principles he, as a father, has taught his daughter.

NYFF Q & A。他是这一切的根源,他怎么惹了一个养狗人。在遍布虚伪的地方,我们能否诚实地活着?。罗马尼亚新电影的旗手。体内有永不黎明的黑夜。羞愧是个好东西。毕业会考。生活不同于想象。这也是我们的困境。克里斯蒂安·蒙吉在二零一六。

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